how to sell online and make money

How to Sell Online and Make Money

One of the biggest benefits to merchants in this modern day and age is definitely online selling.

With the increase in the number of people that now prefer online shopping, opening up an online shop is a sure bet to get ahead in your business venture.

There are many options available to you on how and where to sell your products. I have listed their biggest advantages and flaws alongside, so you can choose the option that suits your niche well.

Selling Online (For International Businesses):

If you live in the US, UK or any other developed country on the globe you have the following options to sell online:


It is a Canadian E-Commerce platform for sellers with an easy interface. You have control over the look of your shop with in-built themes available.
Pros: It already has well established traffic so your product will get exposure.
Cons: If you decide to shift your shop elsewhere you cannot transfer any data to your new choice of platform.

There are other similar platforms available like Big Commerce, Magento, WooCommerce, osCommerce, Craigslist etc. with similar advantages and disadvantages.

·  2)ETSY:

Online marketplaces should be your choice if you are looking to sell products and not establish a full fledge business. Etsy is one of those options.
Pros: It lets you set up you shop with your own unique artistic style.
Cons: It is mostly used by artists to sell handmade stuff.

·  3)eBay:

If you have ever tried to shop online or sell online you have, for sure, stumbled upon eBay.
Pros: You can sell “literally” anything on eBay.
Cons: It’s hard to establish yourself among millions of businesses selling the same product as you.


Amazon is an already established online marketplace so you know your product will have an authentic setting to sell from. Again its pros and cons are similar to eBay.

Selling Online (For Pakistani Businesses):

Due to the unavailability of E-Commerce platforms like Amazon in Pakistan, if you reside in Pakistan you will have to look for other ways to sell online in Pakistan.

Fortunately for you, due to the recent rise in online sales in Pakistan, many platforms have become available to Pakistani sellers.

·         Bazarpk.cpm
There are several other options available as well.
You can also buy your own website and get a registered domain for setting up your online store.

Tips and Tricks for Selling Online:

1) Find your niche:

It’s very important to have a clear idea in your mind about the kind of products you are making and about the category to which they belong. Try to focus on one niche like clothing, electronics and not multiple niches.

2) Target your audience:

After the selection of your niche, target specific audience that would be interested in those products. Don’t just try and sell to everyone. Know your customers and their needs.

3) Work hard:

This is no secret to anyone that only hard work gets you far. Put your time, effort and creativity in to your work and it will show in the results. The better the product, the more potential customers it will attract.

4) Provide a User Friendly Interface:

Use an E-Commerce platform that can be easily used by first time online shoppers. If you have a website, make it easier for users to navigate through it without any trouble.

5) Customer service:

Provide an unmatchable experience to customers. Listen to their thoughts and pay attention to their reviews. Engage with them and make them the primary focus of your business. Customer satisfaction attracts more customers.

6) Promotion:

Put your time and energy into promotion of products via social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc.
